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Rethinking a Global Manufacturer’s Project Management And Execution Utilizing a Resource As a Service (RAAS) Delivery Model

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Executive Summary

A global manufacturer was under pressure to deliver technology projects within tighter timelines while managing skill gaps and smaller budgets. Judge introduced a Resource as a Service model that successfully delivered over 50 projects across more than 7 years.

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The Challenge: The Need to Deliver More Using Less While the Talent Gap Increased

The client underwent a digital transformation that involved major technology projects across several critical workstreams and applications within the organization. At a crucial point, the client identified talent gaps and process breakdowns that were jeopardizing several IT projects. The need for project rescue, a growing skill gap, and the push to deliver on tight timelines with smaller budgets led the client to reevaluate their approach. The client sought a way to integrate scalability, operational efficiency, and cost savings into their technology project delivery.

The Solution: A New Delivery Model to Rescue Projects and Reset the Approach to Technology Projects

The global manufacturing leader engaged Judge Consulting to introduce and implement a new delivery model to rescue their current projects and set the standard for future delivery. After connecting with internal stakeholders and conducting a discovery on the current projects, Judge determined that an On-Demand Resource as a Service (RaaS) model was best.

The RaaS model provided the client with access to Judge’s pool of talented resources for varying levels of support to meet the on-demand needs of their project load. By utilizing resources with open bandwidth and familiarity with the client and projects, the client achieved time and cost savings through onboarding and operational efficiencies. Judge supported the client with On-Demand RaaS models, including:

  • Project Management as a Service
  • Business Process Optimization as a Service
  • AppDev and Digital as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service
  • Architect as a Service

This model provided the roadmap for scaling up and down as projects demanded, with the average project lasting 3-6 months and skills and technology varying from Azure, AWS, and Linux to SQL, .Net, and SSRS.

The Result: Utilizing RaaS for Scalability, Operational Efficiency, and Cost Savings

Through the introduction and implementation of the RaaS model, Judge supported the client in delivering over 50 projects across more than 7 years. Judge rescued several projects that were in jeopardy at the onset of the engagement and provided resources, process, and oversight to ensure future projects stayed on-time and on-budget.

The utilization of Judge’s RaaS model provided scalability allowing the client to adapt the team’s size responsively based on project load, priority, and timeframes. This model also improved operational efficiency, cost savings, and the quality of delivery on all projects. Judge Consulting continues to support the client’s technology projects through the RaaS model.

Some key project deliveries included:

  • Mulesoft implementation
  • Azure DevOps organization consolidation
  • SQL server upgrades
  • Mulesoft integrations across organization
  • DevOps engineering services
  • Cloud engineering services
  • Project management and oversight